24Sep 12:00 am In India, domestic workers hold nation-wide protest against exclusion by new labour codes
30Aug 12:00 am Indonesian migrant domestic workers in Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong told their stories under COVID-19
16Aug 12:00 am Alternative livelihood for domestic workers under COVID-19 economic crisis: Learning from the best practices in Asia
16Jul 12:00 am House postpones the deliberation of the long overdue domestic workers protection bill; domestic workers’ voices are being neglected
22Mar 12:00 am FADWU calls for Hong Kong Government and the public to treat migrant domestic workers fairly
06Mar 12:00 am Domestic workers in Uganda celebrating IDWD urging to protect women against harassment in the world of work
09Dec 12:00 am By Namibia Domestic and Allied Workers Union (NDAWU) In Namibia, the government passed the C189 and C190 on December 9, 2020
06Dec 12:00 am In Malaysia, migrant domestic workers held social dialogue with the ministry, trade unions and NGOs to demand an inclusive labour rights protection