14Jun 12:00 am Domestic workers in Qatar celebrating International Domestic Workers’ Day for the first time
11Jun 12:00 am Informal economy podcast: Social protection #05 domestic workers and violence at the workplace
09Jun 12:00 am Vulnerable workers bringing important perspective on violence and harassment to International Labour Conference in Geneva, 2019
16Aug 12:00 am Alternative livelihood for domestic workers under COVID-19 economic crisis: Learning from the best practices in Asia
16Jul 12:00 am House postpones the deliberation of the long overdue domestic workers protection bill; domestic workers’ voices are being neglected
22Mar 12:00 am FADWU calls for Hong Kong Government and the public to treat migrant domestic workers fairly
06Mar 12:00 am Domestic workers in Uganda celebrating IDWD urging to protect women against harassment in the world of work