- This event has passed.
Emergency Resolution 1: In support of Central American migrants and condemning the US government border militarization
The second Congress of the IDWF passed an emergency resolution in support of the migrants from Central America who have reached the Mexico-US border.
The second Congress of the IDWF passed an emergency resolution in support of the migrants from Central America who have reached the Mexico-US border.
Emergency Resolution 1:
In support of Central American migrants and
condemning the US government border militarization
The IDWF stands in solidarity with women, children, men, and families of Central America as they seek to build lives of dignity and security, in their home countries, and as migrants deserving of refugee abroad.
The IDWF echoes the demands of its North America affiliates – the UDWA and NDWA – as well as the broader labor and immigrant rights movements in the United States, that migration is a human right. IDWF stands in solidarity with the majority of American citizens who reject hate and discrimination, oppose their government’s policies and welcome all refugees
The IDWF calls on the US government, and all governments in the region, to uphold their treaty obligations to respect the right to seek refuge, and to protect the human and labor rights inherent to all people
The IDWF calls on the US government to end the detention of migrants and refugees, stop propping up repressive governments in Central America, to reunite all children and families separated by immigration authorities, to cease the deportations, de-fund the for-profit detention machine, and de-militarize the southern border.
- ASTRADOMES, Asociación de Trabajadoras Domésticas, Carmen Cruz Presidenta – COSTA RICA;
- SINACTRAHO, Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores y Trabajadoras del Hogar – MEXICO ;
- RMEHAC: Red de Mujeres Empleadas del Hogar A.C – MEXICO ;
- SIMUTHRES sindicato de trabajadoras del hogar remuneradas salvadoreñas – EL SALVADOR;
- Federacion de Trabajadoras Domesticas y Oficios Varios de Nicaragua. FETRADOMOV. NICARAGUA;
- SINTRADOMGRA – Sindicato de trabajadoras domesticas de Granada – NICARAGUA;
- SITRADOMSA – Sindicato de trabajadoras domesticas, similares, y a cuenta propia – GUATEMALA
In connection, we call on people to sign on the Solidaridad con las caravanas of the Progressi:
(Photo by Mitch Lensink on Unsplash)