15Jun 12:00 am By National Domestic Women Workers Union (NDWWU) Asia: IDWF affiliates has celebrated 6th anniversary of the adoption of ILO convention 189 on decent work for domestic workers
24Dec 12:00 am IDWF 2016 Year-end message: “We have grown, we have spoken out, and we have become the voice of the voiceless,” says Myrtle Witbooi
02Nov 12:00 am FADWU representatives in Hong Kong meet with the Labor Department on the issue of window cleaning
16Nov 12:00 am Let us look forward to the next five years. Let us never forget the struggle. Together We will overcome so much more!
18Jun 12:00 am By Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) “Safe workplace is our rights” – SEWA Kerala celebration for the International Domestic Workers’ Day
16Jun 12:00 am By National Domestic Workers Federation (NDWF) Domestic workers urge the government to ratify C189