Elizabeth Tang’s Bail Continues Until December
The IDWF family would like to report that the bail of our General Secretary, Elizabeth Tang, has been extended until the end of the year. Over these past months, Elizabeth Tang has resumed her role as our General Secretary, leading us to our fourth congress, happening in October. Our IDWF Executive Committee and family have been sharing the updates on the situation always believing that justice inevitably persists, and Elizabeth Tang will soon walk free and join our members in celebrating our resistance and growth as a federation and our ten year jubilee. Her absence will be felt, but we stand firm in our belief, that sooner or later, we will be reunited, physically, like we are united in spirit.Elizabeth Tang’s Bail Continues
It is with hope that we report the continuation of the bail of our General Secretary, Elizabeth Tang, until her next police report on August 22, 2023. We hope for a speedy positive resolution of the case. As we prepare for our 4th Congress this year, a celebration of our movements resilience and strength, we hope our IDWF family will be complete. We call for Elizabeth Tang’s release so she can join us and continue building our global movement.No matter how long, the path to justice is imperatively victorious: Elizabeth Tang’s Bail Continues
Today, July 4th 2023, our General Secretary, Elizabeth Tang has reported to the police as per her bail arrangement. The IDWF would like to report the latest update that Elizabeth Tang’s bail continues until the next report on July 18th, and the bail conditions remain the same.
Elizabeth is one of the most principled leaders of the trade union movement world-wide. She needs no defense, for her actions, career, and choices, speak louder than any words. All of her colleagues in Asia and globally testify to the impact that Elizabeth has had in the servitude to justice, in leading and promoting tangible change for domestic workers around the world, in finding glimpses of hope for those most vulnerable in contexts thought of as irreparable, in taking those sparse openings and transforming them into opportunities for change. This has not been an easy task but it is one that Elizabeth Tang has so seamlessly fulfilled with utmost dedication.
Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in fighting for what is right and upholding it against all odds and through the difficulties. This is what IDWF’s General Secretary, Elizabeth Tang, is doing throughout her life and career, she is fighting for justice. And justice should encompass her situation as well so she can walk free soon.
This is a momentous year for our federation, as we are walking into our 4th congress soon. This year marks a decade of our operation under the wisdom and guidance of Elizabeth Tang and our late president Myrtle Witbooi. We aspire to see Elizabeth Tang at our congress; her vision, leadership, and resilience are central to our movement and her freedom, as a leader of our movement and a trade-unionist is an integral part to the justice we seek to see.
The voices of 670,000 domestic workers around the world cannot be unheard: all allegations against Elizabeth are false, unfounded, and must be removed. We believe in our heart of hearts, that while one can pluck the flowers, they cannot stop the spring: Long or short, Elizabeth’s path to justice will be victorious.
On International Domestic Workers’ Day: Elizabeth Tang’s Bail Continues
On this joyous occasion, the International Domestic Workers Day, would like to inform you of the latest updates on our General Secretary, Elizabeth Tang. After her police report today, we are feeling hopeful that justice will take its course. Elizabeth will be reporting back again on July 4 and the conditions of her bail remain the same.
On International Domestic Workers Day, a momentous occasion for our movement, we feel strong and supported to have Elizabeth Tang, who is a historic figure in the movement for Domestic Workers labor rights, by our side. We aspire to see this case put behind us, so our General Secretary can regain the freedom to move and continue pioneering the rights of our movement everywhere.
Elizabeth’s journey stands as a testament to her bravery, fearlessness, and resilience when faced with adversity. Her unwavering determination serves as a resounding proclamation of her capacity to confront and conquer obstacles, irrespective of the associated risks. The IDWF Executive Committee, staff, and the global labor movement unite in solidarity and strength, standing alongside Elizabeth. The collective power of people will always emerge triumphant. It never fails to do so.
On this International Domestic Workers’ Day, we celebrate our movement and its leaders, in the spirit of sisterhood and shared struggles and vision. And Elizabeth Tang is an integral part to the justice we seek to see. On this day and every day, our movement stands with her.
Elizabeth Tang’s Bail Renewed:A testament of courage for justice to prevail
The IDWF Executive Committee reports the latest news about our General Secretary, Elizabeth Tang; her bail has been extended for another month until June 16. The conditions for the bail remain the same. June 16 is the International Domestic Workers Day, a celebration of our movement. This celebration will not be complete without the unconditional release of our General Secretary. This year, this date will hold a double meaning, and we hope that its symbolism acquires an additional layer, one where justice prevails for Elizabeth Tang.
Elizabeth’s journey has been a testament of courage, fearlessness, and resilience in the face of adversity. Her perseverance is a powerful declaration of her ability to confront and overcome obstacles, regardless of the risks involved. The IDWF Executive Committee, staff, and the global labor movement as a whole, stand together with Elizabeth, in solidarity and strength. We know in our hearts that the power of people will always prevail.
For all of us who strive for a fair and equitable world, Elizabeth’s testament of courage is a source of inspiration and motivation in our collective path for truth and justice. While we are relieved with Elizabeth’s temporary reprieve until the next report, only her immediate and unconditional release will be a triumph of justice.
Elizabeth Tang’s Bail is Extended: The Path of Truth can be long, but is inevitably victorious
The International Domestic Workers Federation would like to report the bail of our General Secretary, Elizabeth Tang, has been extended for a third time, until May 17. The conditions for the bail remain the same, with her passport confiscated by local authorities, and her accounts frozen.
Elizabeth remains true to herself, strong and in good spirit. She is heartened to see that her case has received support from around the world. It is a testament to the universal importance of the work of her life, fighting for workers’ rights, and the need for solidarity in the face of persecution. We know that the struggle for justice is not over, and no matter the length that this process takes, we stand with our General Secretary, Elizabeth Tang, against this adversity. Her unwavering dedication and tireless efforts in service of the labor movement have been an inspiration to all of us, those who had and have the privilege of working with her. Throughout her career, she has shown remarkable integrity, always standing up for what is right and just, even in the face of great challenges.
As we are relieved with Elizabeth’s temporary reprieve until the next report, we recognize that this is just one step in a larger journey towards justice. With your support, words of solidarity, and sisterhood, we can make this journey bearable, for nothing is as meaningful in times of crisis, as the support of fellow unionists, and the accompaniment of our Executive Committee and Staff.
Elizabeth, we honor your service to the labor movement, and we pledge to continue the fight for justice alongside you until justice prevails. We are certain it will.
Her Bail Renewed, Elizabeth Tang is as Spirited as Ever
It is with mixed feelings of hope and disappointment that we, at the International Domestic Workers Federation (IDWF), hear the news of the renewal of the release on bail of our General Secretary, Elizabeth Tang, today for only 10 days until April 24. Her passport continues to be held by the authorities and her personal bank account frozen, though no charge was pressed yet.
Elizabeth was arrested on March 9 for allegations of endangering national security and after being detained for 48 hours, she was released on bail with the condition of reporting back to the Hong Kong Security Police. Her police interview was today on April 14.
Throughout this month, the IDWF has received outpouring messages of solidarity, attesting to Elizabeth’s character, integrity, and expressions of tremendous gratitude from our membership for her service to domestic workers movements across the world.
When we tell the history of our federation, it is intertwined with the immense contributions of Elizabeth Tang. Since the very beginning, she was there: supported the formation of our global movement and pushed for the representation of domestic workers within International Labor Organization (ILO). Along with our late founding President, Myrtle Witbooi, their dynamic leadership has led to the creation and adoption of an international standard for our sector, making history and giving birth to innumerable gains for our movement in the last ten years.
As our global membership, allies, and friends closely monitoring the latest development of her case, their unwavering support has kept Elizabeth as spirited as ever. “I am most grateful for the support of colleagues, affiliates, and friends everywhere. Your encouragement, comradeship, and friendship are lifting my spirit and keeping me strong, ” she said.
The IDWF hopes to see a positive resolution of the situation soon. Through it all, we continue our work to build strong and united domestic workers movement and prepare to celebrate a decade of our movement’s accomplishments, a celebration that will only be complete with the unconditional release and return of Elizabeth.
Elizabeth Tang’s arrest incites a wave of global support
On 9 March, Elizabeth Tang was arrested by the Chinese National Security Policy under allegations of endangering national security. She remains out on bail until April 14 as the police continue their investigation
The IDWF, representing 88 affiliates and over 670,000 domestic workers worldwide, stands in solidarity and strongly supports Elizabeth Tang, our General Secretary, whose leadership and vision continue to lead the Federation through thick and thin. Today, we reiterate our position in refuting the allegations. Elizabeth Tang resumes her roles as the IDWF General Secretary despite the difficulties, renewing her commitment to the domestic workers movement above all.
For Elizabeth and the IDWF’s Executive Committee, the last few weeks have been challenging. While documenting all developments in Hong Kong, we firmly continue to develop our plans and activities to reach our goal: building a strong, representative, and united domestic worker global organization that will protect and advance domestic workers’ rights everywhere.
We sincerely appreciate the support and messages of solidarity for Elizabeth that have been coming nonstop from sisters and brothers in the labour movement across the world. The IDWF family awaits and hopes for a positive resolution of this difficult situation on April 14.
In moments like these, we find our strength, unity, and collective voice and realize that we never walk alone.

IDWF stands with our General Secretary, Elizabeth Tang
On behalf of over 670,000 domestic workers members across the globe, the Executive Committee of the International Domestic Workers Federation (IDWF) extend our deepest respect and solidarity with Elizabeth Tang. Not only is she the General Secretary of IDWF, she is also a leader in the global labour movement, a sister to many, and a mother of the domestic workers movement worldwide. On 9 March, 2023, Elizabeth was arrested by the Hong Kong National Security police under allegations of “endangering national security”. She is currently out on bail awaiting to see how her case will unfold. IDWF refutes all the allegations against Elizabeth. We stand in solidarity with Elizabeth, one of the world’s most principled and prominent women trade union leaders and activists. Elizabeth began her career in the 1980s and co-founded the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions in 1990 where she served as its Executive Director for 16 years. In 2009, Elizabeth joined the domestic and household workers’ movement, supporting them in organizing to raise their voices and visibility while leading the global network of domestic workers in a campaign that led to the 2011 adoption of ILO Convention 189 concerning Decent Work for Domestic Workers. This historic achievement has been a major step towards the protection and recognition of millions of domestic workers around the world, sparking a seismic shift in society towards respecting and valuing the vital contribution of these most vulnerable and ‘invisible’ workers. To date, the ILO Convention 189 has been ratified by 36 countries. Through Elizabeth’s work, the domestic workers’ movement evolved into a global federation in 2013 with the primary goal of advocating for the rights of domestic workers worldwide. Over a decade, it has grown into a vibrant and dynamic global Federation representing 88 affiliates from 68 countries and close to 670,000 domestic, household and care workers. It is the only global union that is led by women and representing a predominately women membership. The IDWF and its affiliates are closely following developments in Hong Kong and are documenting all reports. We are deeply grateful for all the messages of support and solidarity from our allies, partners, friends and our members from all corners of the globe.Together we stand! Elizabeth will never walk alone!
For further information, please get in touch with:
Roula Seghaier
[email protected]
IDWF Strategic Coordinator
Cell: +961 76 097 162
L: Tunisia