IDWF to Participate in the CSW69 (2025)
An IDWF delegation, representing domestic workers from all regions, will participate in the sixty-ninth session of the Commission on the Status of Women – CSW69, which will take place at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 10 to 21 March 2025.
This year, as the global community marks the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995), CSW’s main focus will be on reviewing and assessing the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcomes of the 23rd special session of the General Assembly, working towards the full realization of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This is a pivotal moment in the global fight for gender equality and women’s empowerment!
Alongside the global trade union movement, the IDWF delegation will bring the voices of domestic workers to key discussions to advance the Beijing+30 Action Agenda in the following priority areas: Decent Work and the Care Economy / Gender Equality at Work (gender pay gap) / GBV and harassment in domestic work – C190 / Protection of Migrant Domestic Workers.
It’s time to take action for a new social contract rooted in a gender-transformative agenda!
Events co-sponsored by the IDWF:
March 13
Side event: Taking stock of migrant women’s rights in 30 years of the Beijing Platform for Action: Voices from the ground – Women in Migration Network.
12:30 – 1:30 PM / 1157 Lexington Ave at E 80th, All Souls Congregation, NYC
IDWF Speakers: Mary Ann Abunda (ExCo)
March 14
Parallel Event: Women’s labour rights, social justice and democracy – GUFs
12:30 – 2:30 PM / Church Centre, 11th Floor, NYC
IDWF Speakers: Mary Ann Abunda (ExCo)
8:00 a 9:45 AM.
IDWF Speakers: Exco and GS
March 17
Side event: Advancing the rights protections of migrant women and girls over the next 30 years – WIMN, UN Women, IOM, Germany, and Colombia.
01:15 – 02:30 PM / Conference Room 12, General Assembly Building, NYC
IDWF speakers: IDWF delegation
March 18
ILO Convention 190 & Beijing+30: Bridging gender and labor – Global Labor Justice (on behalf of the C190 Arc Task Force), ITUC, Solidarity Center.
4:30- 6:00 PM / UN Church cener, 11th Floor, NYC
IDWF Speaker: Adriana Paz Ramírez (GS)
March 19
Parallel Event: Domestic violence – a union and workplace issue – ITF
8:30 – 10:00 AM / Virtual
Key Events in which IDWF will participate:
March 13
Women’s Collective Power for Public Good: Where are we now, 30 years on? – Ford Foundation, Sida, WIEGO9:30 AM – 12 PM / Ford Foundation Center for Social Justice, 320 E 43rd Street, NYCIDWF Speakers: Adriana Paz Ramírez (GS)
What Can Feminists Movements Today Learn from Beijing 1995? – Urgent Action Fund for Feminist Activism.11 AM – 1 PM / East 22nd St NYC FJS office, NYC.IDWF Speakers: Adriana Paz Ramírez (GS), Sonia George (ExCo), Mary Ann Abunda (ExCo)
High level event: Accelerating Gender Equality: Beijing +30 and ILO C190 – GLJ4:45-6 PM / UN Headquarters, NYCIDWF Speakers: ExCo members
March 21
The Care Agenda 30 Years after the Fourth World Conference on Women: A Reflection on Achievements and the Way Forward – Global Affairs Canada
3:15 – 4:15 PM / UN Headquarters, Conference Room F, NYC
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