
In Lebanon, domestic workers create the first union in the Middle East

The middle east is home to 2.4 million domestic worked. For the first time in the middle east, domestic workers have created a trade union to collectively fight for better rights Details The National Federation of Labor Unions petitioned the Labor Ministry to form the union uniting domestic workers in Lebanon. The workers primarily come […]

In Pakistan, domestic workers rally for rights

In urban slums and shanty settlements, particularly in Pakistan, women face a range of difficulties, such as insecure housing, informal jobs, plus the double burden of household chores and access to resources. The interrelationship between culture, gender and urbanization is a complex one, where women are the poorest of the poor, because of the non-conducive […]

Drive for rights of domestic workers in Bahrain

A CAMPAIGN to promote the rights of domestic workers across the region was launched in Bahrain. Details A CAMPAIGN to promote the rights of domestic workers across the region was launched in Bahrain on Oct 1. Details of the campaign were discussed at a two-day workshop organised by the General Federation of Bahrain Trade Unions […]

Asia & Middle East: IDWF participated in the inter-regional tripartite expert forum

IDWF participated in the inter-regional tripartite expert forum on skills and migration in the South Asia – Middle East corridor on 25-26 July. Details IDWF participated in the inter-regional tripartite expert forum on skills and migration in the South Asia – Middle East corridor on 25-26 July. The meeting was co-organized by the ILO and […]

IDWF gathered domestic workers leaders to address rights gaps of migrant domestic workers in the Middle East

In partnership with the FES, LO-Norway, national trade unions and others, the IDWF gathered domestic workers leaders and other social partners to discuss concrete suggestions to address rights gaps of migrant domestic workers in the region. Details In partnership with the FES, LO-Norway, national trade unions and others, the IDWF gathered  domestic workers leaders and […]