Labour’s Key Demands for the 2024 Summit of the Global Forum on Migration and Development

January 2024

As migrants continue to build and make essential contributions to economies and societies, which depend on their labour, trade unions gathering for the 14th Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD), highlight the urgent need for commitment to all working people’s safety, dignity and respect on the job and in society, regardless of their migration status.

Time has come for governments to deliver a human rights-based, gender-transformative and people-centred governance of labour migration with core labour standards and workers’ agency at the forefront. While this requires a wide variety of measures, workers demand the following priorities from the 14th GFMD Summit:

  1. Ensure freedom of association, the rights to organise and collectively bargain as fundamental human rights for migrant workers, regardless of their status, to change those social and employment conditions that entrench poverty, fuel inequality and limit democracy.
  2. Guarantee the right to health, occupational safety, access to housing and decent work opportunities as basic human rights for all migrant workers regardless of their status.
  3. Support for regularization programs and rights-based pathways for migration and invest in bringing workers out of the informal economy and removing barriers for migrant workers to access formal employment and decent work.
  4. Accelerate the recognition of skills and competences, and the achievement of fair and ethical recruitment for migrant workers globally.
  5. Guarantee equal treatment and access to quality public services, and social protection for all migrant workers, regardless of their status and free from any form of discrimination, including racism and xenophobia.
  6. Ensure effective access to justice for all migrant workers, including remediation and prevention of wage theft and other rights violations, and protection from employer retaliation and all forms of intimidation.
  7. Commit to gender- transformative policies that uplift the agency of women, including by increasing public investments in the care economy and the social reorganisation of care as a public good, ensure non- discrimination and equal treatment with respect to employment, pay and conditions and social protection.
  8. Uphold the ideals and practices of a just and equitable transition to a low carbon economy, marshal public finance for climate adaptation measures and loss and damage support that ensures safety, dignity, and decent conditions for workers, strengthens public services, and builds the agency of women and the resilience of frontline communities.
  9. Implement universal minimum living wages, which apply to all workers, including migrant workers.
  10. Strengthen genuine social dialogue in employment, sustainable development, and labour migration policies, including in bilateral labour migration agreements, taking into account root causes and drivers of forced migration and displacement.
  11. Promote the ratification and effective implementation of the relevant UN instruments, the ILO core conventions, and namely the UN Migrant Workers Convention, the ILO C97 Migration for Employment Convention, and ILO C143 on Migrant Workers, along with the ILO C189 Domestic Workers Convention, and the ILO C190 on Violence and Harassment

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