“Mr. President, we ask you to take concrete action to recognize domestic workers including migrant domestic workers as full-fledged workers and protect them with legal rights, ratify the ILO Convention 189 on Decent Work for Domestic Workers and take concrete measures to stop all acts of violence, discrimination and xenophobia against migrants and against women.”
June 12, 2019
President Nicos Anastasiades
Republic of Cyprus
Presidential Palace
1400 Nicosia
Tel.: (357) 22 867400
Fax: (357) 22 663799
Email: [email protected]
Dear President Nicos Anastasiades,
Murder of Migrant Domestic Workers and Girls in Cyprus
We have the honour to send you this letter, wishing to discuss the following subject – the tragedy concerning the serial killings of migrant domestic workers in your country. It is a shock and big concern for us leading us to write to you with the greatest hope for your action.
IDWF is an international federation representing 69 domestic workers’ organizations in 54 countries around the world. Indeed, domestic workers perform heavy and insufficiently recognised work, with no automatic coverage of labour rights and social protection largely. Confined within households, these domestic workers are subject to particular discrimination at work. They are often victims of social violence, physical and psychological violence being the most marginalized women in the labour market. In recent years, we have observed the growth of xenophobia, racism and hostility against migrants, refugees and other minority communities everywhere including the EU. We believe this tragedy is an outcome in its extreme form in this climate.
Mr. President, it is the responsibility of all of us to fight for the recognition of domestic work as work as it is central in the world of work, as well as in the question of gender inequalities and non-discrimination of all forms.
We are aware of your concern that in the Cypriot society this murder case seem to have specifically targeted at migrant women who have come to work in your country. We are also aware that you condemn these crimes which are contrary to Cypriot values, traditions and culture.
Domestic workers in Cyprus, Europe and the world need you to do more. Mr. President, we ask you to take concrete action to recognize domestic workers including migrant domestic workers as full-fledged workers and protect them with legal rights, ratify the ILO Convention 189 on Decent Work for Domestic Workers and take concrete measures to stop all acts of violence, discrimination and xenophobia against migrants and against women.
We, the International Domestic Workers Federation will continue to monitor the situation as well as undertake action to raise awareness among migrant domestic workers on their rights.
Trusting in your goodwill, we thank you Mr. President of the Republic and hope our request will be met with your highest consideration.
Yours truly
Myrtle Witbooi, President
International Domestic Workers Federation (IDWF)