16Jun 12:00 am In Nepal, domestic workers are also workers! NTUC urges the government to ratify ILO Convention 189
23May 12:00 am A first step toward strengthening domestic workers’ cooperatives in Trinidad and Tobago
27Apr 12:00 am East African domestic workers union demands more protection for its workers in the Gulf
19Apr 12:00 am In Tanzania, Domestic Worker Unions Assemble – Ratify C189 to safeguard the rights of migrant domestic workers
16Mar 12:00 am CSW60: Human trafficking must be called by its true name – modern slavery – a dishonour of our common humanity, says Shirley Pryce
14Jun 12:00 am By Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing – WIEGO “Domestic Workers and Convention 189: Making it real!” workshop in Nairobi
22Mar 12:00 am Jordanian youth join the My Fair Home youth advocacy network for domestic worker rights
14Mar 12:00 am In Bangladesh, domestic workers urged the government to immediately implement protection and welfare policy