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Congress approved the ratification of C189 for the rights of domestic workers
After 7 years of unattainable struggle of the Domestic Workers, today the Ratification of ILO Convention 189, and its recommendation 201, was debated and approved in the Plenary of the Congress of the Republic.
Today, the House of Congress approved the ratification of Convention 189 of the International Labor Organization, which protects and guarantees the labor rights of domestic workers.
Unanimously, with 92 votes in favor, the plenary session of the Congress of the Republic ratified on Thursday the 189th Convention of the International Labor Organization (ILO), an agreement that guarantees a written work contract, access to social security and benefits for maternity for domestic workers.
The agreement is in force since 2011 when it was adopted in Geneva at the 100th International Labor Conference of the ILO, but Peru has not ratified it so far. It is only necessary that the Executive does not work and ratify the Convention that will finally give workers the right to a minimum vital remuneration, employment contract, payment slips, maximum working hours, paid rest, social security, pension in case of disability and old age, and control if they are exploited.
According to the Secretary General of the Union of Domestic Workers of the Lima Region (Sinttrahol), Leddy Mozombite, ratifying the agreement will allow more than 500 thousand domestic workers to exercise rights such as the minimum wage, compulsory holidays (compensation if the employer does not provide them), as well as the requirement of a written contract, among other benefits.
Adelinda Díaz, general secretary of the National Federation of Domestic Workers of Peru (Fentrahogarp) demanded that the regulation of law 27986 be carried out as a matter of urgency, adapting to Convention 189 in the following aspects: the written work contract, the payment as a basis for the minimum salary, respect for 8 working hours, recognition of overtime, 30 days of vacation, the payment of CTS as well as the rest of workers in our country.
News and references:
- Dictamen recaído en el Proyecto de Resolución Legislativa N° 2778/2017-PE, por el que se propone el “Convenio sobre el Trabajo Decente para las Trabajadoras y los Trabajadores Domésticos ”.
- Congreso ratificó Convenio 189 de la OIT sobre trabajo doméstico | El Comercio
- Pleno del Congreso ratificó el Convenio 189 de la OIT sobre trabajo doméstico | Semanaeconomica
- Convenio 189: Congreso ratifica derechos de las trabajadoras del hogar | Mano Alzada
- Congreso ratifica Convenio 189 que reconoce derechos laborales de trabajadoras del hogar | WaykaPeru