26Dec 12:00 am In Belgium, domestic workers were elected as shop stewards in their companies to represent the rights and interests of all workers
09Jun 12:00 am Vulnerable workers bringing important perspective on violence and harassment to International Labour Conference in Geneva, 2019
31Aug 12:00 am We demand the respect and rights that other workers enjoy! Shirley Pryce’s speech at the IUF Congress
15Mar 12:00 am In Jamaica, domestic workers now have their own union – Jamaica Household Workers Association
03Jun 12:00 am Domestic Workers to Participate in the 112th International Labour Conference Switzerland
19Mar 2:30 pm By IDWFED Centering Decent Work for Domestic Workers in the Care Economy Livestreamed NY United States
14Jun 12:00 am By Arthur Svensson Prize IDWF and Elizabeth Tang received the Arthur Svensson Award of 2023.