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IUF resolution on decent work and dignity for domestic workers
Welcomes the adoption of the Convention Concerning Decent Work for Domestic Workers (No. 189) and Recommendation (No. 201) by the 100th annual Conference of the International Labour Organization (ILO) on 16 June 2011.
The IUF 26th Congress
Welcomes the adoption of the Convention Concerning Decent Work for Domestic Workers (No. 189) and Recommendation (No. 201) by the 100th annual Conference of the International Labour Organization (ILO) on 16 June 2011;
Notes that tens of millions of domestic workers around the world have finally been recognized as workers and are guaranteed the same basic rights as other categories of workers;
Further Notes that in addition to the fundamental rights set out in the ILO‘s core conventions, (freedom of association, collective bargaining, elimination of child labour and forced labour), domestic workers will also benefit from the right to a written contract, working time regulation, health and safety provisions, social security coverage including maternity protection, protection of migrant domestic workers and monitoring mechanisms for labour agencies. The need to prevent abusive practices against domestic workers in diplomatic households is addressed in Recommendation 201.
Appreciates the role of the International Domestic Workers’ Network (IDWN), an organization supported by IUF and WIEGO (Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing), in organizing, coordinating and mobilizing domestic workers across the globe to win recognition of their rights as workers and the crucial and historic role that IDWN played in campaigning for the adoption of the new International Labour Convention;
Resolves to support the organizing and campaigning activities of IDWN wherever possible;
Calls on affiliates
- to do all they can within their own country/region to ensure that their Government ratify and implement ILO Convention 189 so that the rights, dignity and respect of domestic workers can be fully realized.
- to actively raise awareness about the rights of domestic workers as enshrined in Convention 189 supplemented by Recommendation 201.
- to strengthen and support domestic workers’ unions.