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2013 Domestic workers mobilized on the International Women’s Day

March 8, 2013

Domestic Workers Mobilized on the International Women’s Day!


March 1-31, 2013


The Independent Democracy of Informal Economy Association(IDEA) and Cambodian Domestic Worker Network (CDWN) launched a campaign of “Domestic Workers’ Right are Woman Rights” in Phnom Penh from Mar 1-31, 2013.  The general objective of the campaign was to seek better recognition through awareness raising activities and advocate for improving social protection and equal rights of women, and promoting domestic workers.

Eight key activities were:

  1. Workshop on ILO C.189 and Basic woman rights
  2. Round Table Discussion: “Basic Woman Rights and Domestic Workers’ Rights”
  3. Spot/drama dissemination on Radio
  4. Participant in national forum with Ministry of Women Affair
  5. Collaborate with other workers who from differences sector
  6. Tuk Tuk Campaign
  7. TV Feature
  8. Summit Petition to the Keys Ministries

More information:

March 1, 2013


CHODAWU in Tanzania organized an event with the name of CHODAWU women’s Liberation Day.

The message was “Time for liberation of women and domestic workers is now!”


  1. Awareness Creation on Labour laws, women and gender rights, HIV/AIDS and Convention 189 on decent work for domestic workers.
  2. Organizing and sensitizing domestic workers about the Convention 189 on decent work for domestic workers.
  3. Promoting and defending women’s rights.

More information:

March 3, 2013


Domestic workers in Hong Kong came out on the Sunday before March 8, the International Women’s Day, to say NO to violence on domestic workers.

Some of them shared their experiences on different kinds of sexual violence, and the difficulties they are facing, for instance: victims are punished if the abuses are reported; heavy agency fees barring them from reporting; more abuses with mandatory live-in requirement.

They chanted “stop sexual abuse, protect domestic workers”, and waved banners as they marched to Government House to deliver a petition. They want the Hong Kong government to review the live-in requirement and protect the safety and rights of foreign domestic workers.

More information:

March 8, 2013


Organised by Red Flag Women’s Movement, Tea Plantation workers, Rubber plantation workers, Domestic workers and Garment workers joined the 2013 International Working Women’s Day event with a big rally in Kandy- hill capital.

The rally started at 10 am with street dramas along the main street.

The main issues highlighted in the slogans were women workers exploitation, workplace sexual abuse, women worker’s livelihood, women worker’s trade union rights and land rights.

At the public meeting a lot of workers gave many speeches drawing attention to women workers problems that are increasing, therefore we have to work together, within the country and outside the country strengthening solidarity is very critical in the future.  At this event, Red Flag Union, Domestic workers Union, National Free Trade Union and United cooperative and mercantile employees union were participated with Red Flag Women’s Movement.

More information:


The leaders of SADSAWU held an overnight sit-in outside the gate of parliament to commemorate the International Women’s Day.

On the March 8 morning, they handed over a letter to the President to demand immediate ratification of C189.


Organized by the Migrants’ Empowerment Network in Taiwan (MENT), more than 80 protesters gathered in front of Executive Yuan(行政院) in Taipei on Mar 8.

They pressed for:

  1. a public Long Term Care System to meet the needs of family care in Taiwan,
  2. adopt Household Service Act and
  3. the public Long Term Care system should incorporate family members who serves as carers and migrant domestic workers to protect them from exploitation.

There are at present more than 220,000 migrant domestic workers in Taiwan. According to a study done by Council of Labour Affairs, their average working hours is 15 hours a day and 43% of them has never enjoyed a single day off for the first three years.  Deprived of any legal protection or respite, more than 200,000 migrant domestic workers are facing an even worse situation, working round the clock all year long, not to mention the sexual harassment endured by care workers.

More information:

March 10, 2013


Thai Migrant Workers Union (TMWU) in Hong Kong held the Women’s Day Celebration on Mar 10, Sunday.
Program includes:
Dance from Thai, Indonesian, Filipino groups; Traditional Thai dress show contest; Thai songs; Talks on equal opportunities, work safety, Women’s Day; Various booth from Thai groups showing Thai culture.
More information:


Date: March 8, 2013
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