The study revealed that domestic workers across the three countries tend to be completely reliant on their jobs as a main source of income and that the majority also happen to be the sole provider in their families. When it comes to Covid-19, only a relatively small number of people have lost their jobs due to the pandemic or its related regulations. However, those who are still working are experiencing a number of changes on both a professional and personal level.
Domestic workers have been forced to stay inside their employer’s home, work longer hours, or work less and receive less of their salaries. They also reported on other emerging concerns such as physical and mental health issues. The economic status and public health measures of the three countries in question produce their own set of challenges; domestic workers reported an increase in the prices of basic goods and difficulties in sending money home. In an effort to prevent the spread of Covid-19, employers have been implementing protection measures in the workplace and providing domestic workers with hygiene and personal protection equipment.
Consolidated Report: “A Job at Any Cost”
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Ethiopia country report
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Ghana country report
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Kenya country report
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Tanzania and Zanzibar country report
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Uganda country report
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