Report on IDWF survey on gender-based violence against domestic workers, Asia

This study aims to complement and inform the IDWF in participating in the various actions to stop gender-based violence in the world of work – in particular, the ILO’s “standard-setting” process towards adopting a Convention on “ending violence and harassment against women and men in the world of work” and the International Trade Union Confederation’s “Stop GBV” Campaign. The IDWF partakes in these processes with their affiliates to make sure that domestic workers will have purposeful participation in the endeavor.

Report on IDWF survey on gender-based violence against domestic workers, Asia

In preparing the IDWF’s affiliates for a long term fight against gender-based violence, the IDWF assists in building their affiliates’ organizational, as well as individual members’, capacities to address the issues they face in their countries. Conducting a baseline survey is needed to kick-start this process so that the IDWF is able to understand their situation on the ground and respond accordingly.

The objectives of this study are to:

  • Collect and examine information on the legislative framework and situation of DWs (domestic workers) with regard to gender- based violence (GBV) at work
  • Dentify what affiliates need in order to address GBV in their organizations and in their countries, and
  • Feed the information collected into the global discussion on GBV, especially into the ILO standard setting process to help the IDWF engage actively in the ILO processes in 2018-2019.

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