Fair Recruitment Adv Campaign for the domestic work in Italy

Project of DOMINA – National Association for Family Employment in the Domestic Work Sector IDWF – International Domestic Workers Federation.

In today’s globalized economy, domestic workers are increasingly looking for job opportunities and a decent life beyond their home country. Concerns have been raised about the growing number of unscrupulous employment agencies, informal labour intermediaries and other operators that act outside the legal and regulatory framework preying on low-skilled workers. Reported abuses involve at least one of the following: labour exploitation, irregular work, human trafficking, irregular migration and seizure of documents. Despite the existence of international labour standards and Italian laws on recruitment regulations, their enforcement often fall short of protecting the rights of workers, and migrant workers in particular. Domestic workers are among the most vulnerable categories of workers.

The Campaign

“Fair recruitment for the domestic work in Italy” is an international informative campaign promoted by DOMINA – National Association for Family Employment in the Domestic Work Sector and IDWF – International Domestic Workers Federation, in collaboration with the Ilo Office of Italy and San Marino. It concerns itself with the process of immigration for workers, and employment as a domestic worker. In particular, the campaign provides information on legal requirements to acquire a work permit and risks regarding informal and illegal intermediaries. This is an informative campaign that aims to prevent fraudulent practices during the recruitment and placement process of the migrant domestic workers, to protect their rights, to increase public concern and raise national and international political awareness on the issue.

The core message of the campaign is “Choose the safe path”. The tone of voice is formal and concrete: the language used is simple and direct.

Fair Recruitment Paper

English Italian






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