COVID-19: Guidance for occupational safety and health for employers and domestic workers

With the purpose of helping to improve working and occupational safety and health conditions of domestic workers, it was deemed necessary to develop a guide – aimed at both employers and workers – with guidance and recommendations to eliminate, prevent, and reduce the risks of exposure to COVID-19 and other hazards associated with daily household chores during the pandemic, especially in the context of returning to activities after social distancing or suspension of the employment relationship.


  • To guide domestic workers and those who employ them on preventive measures against the contagion of COVID-19 and other risks associated with the pandemic, within the framework of the return to work activities due to the progressive lifting of restrictions and confinement measures.
  • To promote social dialogue and negotiation on occupational safety and health between domestic workers and their employers.
  • To offer guidelines and promote safe and healthy work practices, both physically and psychosocially, from a human and labour rights perspective for domestic workers.


  • COVID-19 Guidance for occupational safety and health for employers and domestic workers.pdf (English)
  • Guรญa de orientaciones de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo frente a la COVID-19 para personas empleadoras y trabajadoras del hogar.pdf (Spanish)
  • Guia de orientaรงรตes de seguranรงa e saรบde no trabalho diante da COVID-19 para pessoas empregadoras e trabalhadoras do lar POR.pdf (Portuguese)

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English Spanish Portuguese