Myrtle’s proposal was chosen from an incredibly strong field of over 150 nominees across Africa and the Middle East
Good News !
The International Domestic Workers Federation (IDWF) has been selected as one of the 12 Winning Changemaker Organizations of the Challenging Norms, Powering Economies Initiative by Ashoka, Open Society Foundation and UN Women.

as a Finalist for the Challenging Norms, Powering Economies challenge –
an initiative of Ashoka, Open Society Foundation and UN Women.
Myrtle’s proposal was chosen from an incredibly strong field of over 150 nominees across Africa and the Middle East.
As a Finalist Myrtle Witbooi will receive:
- An expense-paid invitation to participate in the:
- A Finalist Exchange on June 18-19 in Johannesburg South Africa
- The Impact!Africa Summit on June 20-22 in Johannesburg South Africa
- The Challenge Fund, which will cover her travel to and from Johannesburg and accommodation within.
- A cash prize worth $24,500, which includes $2,000 in capacity and development support from external consultants during the months of July and August to be distributed upon completion of due diligence
- An opportunity to develop her ideas further and to resubmit her application to be selected as one of three final winners and be eligible for larger cash prizes.
Let ‘s celebrate this initial success and hope that will inspire more women to do the same – to challenge norms and to power economic rights of all women, including domestic workers!
Once again
Congratulations Myrtle! Congratulations to WIEGO, Congratulation to IDWF!

Source: 12 Winning Changemaker Organizations of the Challenging Norms, Powering Economies Initiative