Domestic workers around the world are recognized by The Bishop Tji Haksoon Justice & Peace Foundation as the 20th Justice and Peace Award Winner. The award ceremony is held in Seoul on March 14 2017. Congratulations, domestic workers!
Watch the CPBC news’ report – “Respect Domestic workers’ rights”
Excerpt of Speech by Myrtle Witbooi, President of the IDWF:
“The domestic workers are not receiving the treatment as workers even though they make a big contribution to the family and society, especially migrant domestic workers are treated as modern slaves.” “The message I would like to convey to you here is that I did not know that there was no labor law provision for domestic workers in Korea until I came to Korea for the first time. I did not know that the rights of domestic workers in Korea are not recognized and respected. You can be proud of the fact that you are here today, and I am proud of your achievements. But I want you to go home and think about what you can do for your domestic workers’ rights after tonight.”
In celebration of receiving Justice & Peace Award, meet the IDWF’s history, leaders, movement:
More photos:
- IDWF Flickr: 2017-3-14 Korea: TJI Award Ceremony (official photos)
- IDWF Facebook: Domestic workers: The 20th Justice and Peace Award Winner
- IDWF Flickr: 2017-3-14~16 Korea: TJI Award & My Fair Home
More news:
- “남아공 정부 맞서 이긴 가사노동자 경험 전파할 터”
- “My Fair Home, rights for Domestic workers” “My Fair Home” 가사노동자에게 권리를
- “My Fair Home”: Labor Rights for Domestic Workers – An interview with the International Domestic Workers Federation, winner of this year’s Bishop Tji Justice and Peace Award
Source: Domestic workers: The 20th Justice and Peace Award Winner