Domestic workers organize against violence and harassment (DWoVH), Training Pack

The Domestic Workers organize against Violence & Harassment (DWoVH) Training Pack shares domestic workers’ knowledge, experience and skills, and deepens our understanding on gender, equality, discrimination, violence & harassment, and our human and workers’ rights. This will help us, as individuals and organizations, to better organize and act against violence & harassment in domestic work.

The aims of the DWoVH training pack are to support domestic workers and their organizations (DWOs) to: Promote equality; Protect domestic workers from violence & harassment; Fight violence & harassment in domestic work. YES to equality – NO to violence!

The IDWF developed this Training Pack to empower many more of us, domestic workers to unite, raise our voice, hold our employers and governments accountable and make the laws work for us.

Read more and register in the Online Training School on DWoVH. 

Select your language, and follow the steps to join and start discussions and share learnings with domestic workers and trainers around the world.

Introductory video

Promotional video

The tools in the DWoVH training pack include: 


Domestic Workers Organize Against Violence & Harassment – Training pack FULL.pdf
Training Pack: YES to equality – NO to violence. Domestic workers organize against violence and harassment (DWoVH)
Foreword & Introduction

DWoVH training aids – Click  below for access


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