No matter how long, the path to justice is imperatively victorious: Elizabeth Tang’s Bail Continues
July 4th Update
Today, July 4th 2023, our General Secretary, Elizabeth Tang has reported to the police as per her bail arrangement. The IDWF would like to report the latest update that Elizabeth Tang’s bail continues until the next report on July 18th, and the bail conditions remain the same.
Elizabeth is one of the most principled leaders of the trade union movement world-wide. She needs no defense, for her actions, career, and choices, speak louder than any words. All of her colleagues in Asia and globally testify to the impact that Elizabeth has had in the servitude to justice, in leading and promoting tangible change for domestic workers around the world, in finding glimpses of hope for those most vulnerable in contexts thought of as irreparable, in taking those sparse openings and transforming them into opportunities for change. This has not been an easy task but it is one that Elizabeth Tang has so seamlessly fulfilled with utmost dedication.
Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in fighting for what is right and upholding it against all odds and through the difficulties. This is what IDWF’s General Secretary, Elizabeth Tang, is doing throughout her life and career, she is fighting for justice. And justice should encompass her situation as well so she can walk free soon.
This is a momentous year for our federation, as we are walking into our 4th congress soon. This year marks a decade of our operation under the wisdom and guidance of Elizabeth Tang and our late president Myrtle Witbooi. We aspire to see Elizabeth Tang at our congress; her vision, leadership, and resilience are central to our movement and her freedom, as a leader of our movement and a trade-unionist is an integral part to the justice we seek to see.
The voices of 670,000 domestic workers around the world cannot be unheard: all allegations against Elizabeth are false, unfounded, and must be removed. We believe in our heart of hearts, that while one can pluck the flowers, they cannot stop the spring: Long or short, Elizabeth’s path to justice will be victorious.