Elizabeth Tang’s Bail is Extended: The Path of Truth can be long, but is inevitably victorious
24 April IDWF – UPDATE
The International Domestic Workers Federation would like to report the bail of our General Secretary, Elizabeth Tang, has been extended for a third time, until May 17. The conditions for the bail remain the same, with her passport confiscated by local authorities, and her accounts frozen.
Elizabeth remains true to herself, strong and in good spirit. She is heartened to see that her case has received support from around the world. It is a testament to the universal importance of the work of her life, fighting for workers’ rights, and the need for solidarity in the face of persecution. We know that the struggle for justice is not over, and no matter the length that this process takes, we stand with our General Secretary, Elizabeth Tang, against this adversity. Her unwavering dedication and tireless efforts in service of the labor movement have been an inspiration to all of us, those who had and have the privilege of working with her. Throughout her career, she has shown remarkable integrity, always standing up for what is right and just, even in the face of great challenges.
As we are relieved with Elizabeth’s temporary reprieve until the next report, we recognize that this is just one step in a larger journey towards justice. With your support, words of solidarity, and sisterhood, we can make this journey bearable, for nothing is as meaningful in times of crisis, as the support of fellow unionists, and the accompaniment of our Executive Committee and Staff.
Elizabeth, we honor your service to the labor movement, and we pledge to continue the fight for justice alongside you until justice prevails. We are certain it will.