Elizabeth Tang’s arrest incites a wave of global support
27 March IDWF – UPDATE
On 9 March, Elizabeth Tang was arrested by the Chinese National Security Policy under allegations of endangering national security. She remains out on bail until April 14 as the police continue their investigation
The IDWF, representing 88 affiliates and over 670,000 domestic workers worldwide, stands in solidarity and strongly supports Elizabeth Tang, our General Secretary, whose leadership and vision continue to lead the Federation through thick and thin. Today, we reiterate our position in refuting the allegations. Elizabeth Tang resumes her roles as the IDWF General Secretary despite the difficulties, renewing her commitment to the domestic workers movement above all.
For Elizabeth and the IDWF’s Executive Committee, the last few weeks have been challenging. While documenting all developments in Hong Kong, we firmly continue to develop our plans and activities to reach our goal: building a strong, representative, and united domestic worker global organization that will protect and advance domestic workers’ rights everywhere.
We sincerely appreciate the support and messages of solidarity for Elizabeth that have been coming nonstop from sisters and brothers in the labour movement across the world. The IDWF family awaits and hopes for a positive resolution of this difficult situation on April 14.
In moments like these, we find our strength, unity, and collective voice and realize that we never walk alone.