
The IDWF membership is made up of eligible affiliates: local or national organisations of domestic workers. Affiliates are approved for membership according to an established criteria as outlined in the IDWF Constitution. Affiliates have voting status and form the basis for the organisation.



Affiliate - Full Name & Abbre.Affiliate - Abbre.CountryCategory
Syndicat National des Employés d’hôtels et de Maison du Bénin (SYNEHM BENIN)SYNEHM BENINBeninAfrica
Botswana Domestic and Allied Workers Union (BODAU)BODAU
Syndicat National des Employés de Maison et de Gardiennage du Burkina Faso (SYNEMAG-B)SYNEMAG-BBurkina FasoAfrica
Union de Femme Domestique du Congo (UFEDOC)UFEDOCCongoAfrica
Mulu Tesfa Domestic Workers Association (MTDWA)MTDWAEthiopiaAfrica
Domestic Services Workers Union (DSWU)DSWUGhanaAfrica
Syndicat National des Employés de Maison de Guinée (SYNEM-GUINEE)SYNEM-GUINEEGuineaAfrica
Associaçao Nacional de Proteçao dos Trabalhadores Domesticos da Guine-Bissau (ANAPROMED-GB)ANAPROMED-GBGuinea-BissauAfrica
Syndicat Des Travailleurs Domestiques et Travailleurs de l'Economie Informel (SYTDTEI.CI)SYTDTEI.CIIvory CoastAfrica
Kenya Union of Domestic, Hotels, Educational Institutions and Hospital Workers (KUDHEIHA)KUDHEIHAKenyaAfrica
Kopanang Domestic Workers Association of Lesotho (KDWAL)KDWALLesotho Africa
Domestic Workers Union of Liberia (DOWUL)DOWULLiberiaAfrica
Commercial Industrial & Allied Workers Union (CIAWU)CIAWUMalawiAfrica
Syndicat des Travailleurs Domestiques du Mali (SYNTRADOM)SYNTRADOMMaliAfrica
Sindicato Nacional dos Empregados Domésticos (SINED)SINEDMozambiqueAfrica
Namibian Domestic and Allied Workers Union (NDAWU)NDAWUNamibiaAfrica
Syndicat National des Travailleurs des Hotels, Bars, Restaurants et Assimiles du Niger (SYNTHOBRA)SYNTHOBRANigerAfrica
National Union of Hotels and Personal Services Workers (NUHPSW)NUHPSWNigeriaAfrica
Syndicat des Travailleurs Domestiques et Indépendants de l'Economie Informelle (SYTRIECI)SYTRIECIRwandaAfrica
Syndicat National des Travailleurs Domestiques (SYNTRAD)SYNTRADSenegalAfrica
South African Domestic Service and Allied Workers Union (SADSAWU)SADSAWUSouth AfricaAfrica
Conservation, Hotels, Domestic, Social Services and Consultancy Workers Union (CHODAWU)CHODAWUTanzaniaAfrica
Syndicat National des Domestiques du Togo (SYNADOT)SYNADOTTogoAfrica
Uganda Hotels, Food, Tourism, Supermarkets and Allied Workers Union (HTS-UNION)HTS-UNIONUgandaAfrica
Domestic Workers Union of Zambia (DWUZ)DWUZZambiaAfrica
Conservation of Hotel, Domestic Workers and Allied Union (CHODAWU-Z)CHODAWU-ZZanzibarAfrica
Zimbabwe Domestic and Allied Workers Union (ZDAWU)ZDAWUZimbabweAfrica
Sendika Nasionalin'ny Mpiasa An-Trano Malagasy (SENAMAMA)SENAMAMAMadagascarAfrica

IDWF Affiliation Application

Step 1. Please read the IDWF Constitution and get to know more about the IDWF and our principles. Please read “4. Membership” and find out if your organization is eligible

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