IDWF Affiliation Application
Step 1. Please read the IDWF Constitution and get to know more about the IDWF and our principles. Please read “4. Membership” and find out if your organization is eligible
IDWFED Affiliates
Affiliate - Full Name & Abbre. | Affiliate - Abbre. | Country | Category |
Syndicat National des Employés d’hôtels et de Maison du Bénin (SYNEHM BENIN) | SYNEHM BENIN | Benin | Africa |
Botswana Domestic and Allied Workers Union (BODAU) | BODAU | Botswana | Africa |
Syndicat National des Employés de Maison et de Gardiennage du Burkina Faso (SYNEMAG-B) | SYNEMAG-B | Burkina Faso | Africa |
Union de Femme Domestique du Congo (UFEDOC) | UFEDOC | Congo | Africa |
Mulu Tesfa Domestic Workers Association (MTDWA) | MTDWA | Ethiopia | Africa |
Domestic Services Workers Union (DSWU) | DSWU | Ghana | Africa |
Syndicat National des Employés de Maison de Guinée (SYNEM-GUINEE) | SYNEM-GUINEE | Guinea | Africa |
Associaçao Nacional de Proteçao dos Trabalhadores Domesticos da Guine-Bissau (ANAPROMED-GB) | ANAPROMED-GB | Guinea-Bissau | Africa |
Syndicat Des Travailleurs Domestiques et Travailleurs de l'Economie Informel (SYTDTEI.CI) | SYTDTEI.CI | Ivory Coast | Africa |
Kenya Union of Domestic, Hotels, Educational Institutions and Hospital Workers (KUDHEIHA) | KUDHEIHA | Kenya | Africa |
Kopanang Domestic Workers Association of Lesotho (KDWAL) | KDWAL | Lesotho | Africa |
Domestic Workers Union of Liberia (DOWUL) | DOWUL | Liberia | Africa |
Commercial Industrial & Allied Workers Union (CIAWU) | CIAWU | Malawi | Africa |
Syndicat des Travailleurs Domestiques du Mali (SYNTRADOM) | SYNTRADOM | Mali | Africa |
Sindicato Nacional dos Empregados Domésticos (SINED) | SINED | Mozambique | Africa |
Namibian Domestic and Allied Workers Union (NDAWU) | NDAWU | Namibia | Africa |
Syndicat National des Travailleurs des Hotels, Bars, Restaurants et Assimiles du Niger (SYNTHOBRA) | SYNTHOBRA | Niger | Africa |
National Union of Hotels and Personal Services Workers (NUHPSW) | NUHPSW | Nigeria | Africa |
Syndicat des Travailleurs Domestiques et Indépendants de l'Economie Informelle (SYTRIECI) | SYTRIECI | Rwanda | Africa |
Syndicat National des Travailleurs Domestiques (SYNTRAD) | SYNTRAD | Senegal | Africa |
South African Domestic Service and Allied Workers Union (SADSAWU) | SADSAWU | South Africa | Africa |
Conservation, Hotels, Domestic, Social Services and Consultancy Workers Union (CHODAWU) | CHODAWU | Tanzania | Africa |
Syndicat National des Domestiques du Togo (SYNADOT) | SYNADOT | Togo | Africa |
Uganda Hotels, Food, Tourism, Supermarkets and Allied Workers Union (HTS-UNION) | HTS-UNION | Uganda | Africa |
Domestic Workers Union of Zambia (DWUZ) | DWUZ | Zambia | Africa |
Conservation of Hotel, Domestic Workers and Allied Union (CHODAWU-Z) | CHODAWU-Z | Zanzibar | Africa |
Zimbabwe Domestic and Allied Workers Union (ZDAWU) | ZDAWU | Zimbabwe | Africa |
Sendika Nasionalin'ny Mpiasa An-Trano Malagasy (SENAMAMA) | SENAMAMA | Madagascar | Africa |
National Domestic Women Workers Union (NDWWU) | NDWWU | Bangladesh | Asia |
Independent Democratic Association of Informal Economy (IDEA) | IDEA | Cambodia | Asia |
Association of Domestic Workers (ADW) | ADW | Cambodia | Asia |
Hong Kong Federation of Asian Domestic Workers Unions (FADWU) | FADWU | Hong Kong | Asia |
National Domestic Workers Federation (NDWF) | NDWF | India | Asia |
National Domestic Workers Movement (NDWM) | NDWM | India | Asia |
Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) | SEWA | India | Asia |
Gharelu Kaamgar Sangathan, Gurgaon (GKS) | GKS | India | Asia |
Gharelu Kamgar Panchayat Sangam (GKPS) | GKPS | India | Asia |
Jaringan Nasional Advokasi Pekerja Rumah Tangga (JALAPRT) | JALAPRT | Indonesia | Asia |
Asosasyon ng mga Makabayang Manggagawang Pilipino Overseas (AMMPO) | AMMPO | Malaysia | Asia |
Persatuan Pekerja Rumah Tangga Indonesian Migran (PERTIMIG) | PERTIMIG | Malaysia | Asia |
Home Workers Trade Union of Nepal (HUN) | HUN | Nepal | Asia |
United Domestic Workers of the Philippines (UNITED) | UNITED | Philippines | Asia |
Korea Domestic Workers Union (KDWU) | KDWU | South Korea | Asia |
National House Manager’s Cooperative (NHMC) | NHMC | South Korea | Asia |
Domestic Workers Union (DWU) | DWU | Sri Lanka | Asia |
Protect Union | PROTECT UNION | Sri Lanka | Asia |
Domestic Caretakers Union (DCU) | DCU | Taiwan | Asia |
Network of Domestic Workers in Thailand (NDWT) | NDWT | Thailand | Asia |
Antigua Trades and Labour Union (ATLU) | ATLU | Antigua and Barbuda | Caribbean |
Jamaica Household Workers’ Union (JHWU) | JHWU | Jamaica | Caribbean |
National Union of Domestic Employees (NUDE) | NUDE | Trinidad and Tobago | Caribbean |
CSC Alimentation et Services (CSC A&S) | CSC A&S | Belgium | Europe |
Centrale Alimentation-Horeco-Services FGTB-Horval (Horval FGTB) | Horval FGTB | Belgium | Europe |
Centrale Générale FGTB (ACCG FGTB) | ACCG FGTB | Belgium | Europe |
Gewerkschaft Nahrung-Genuss-Gaststätten (NGG) | NGG | Germany | Europe |
Federazione Italiana Lavoratori Commercio, Turismo e Servizi (FILCAMS CGIL NAZIONALE) | FILCAMS CGIL NAZIONALE | Italy | Europe |
Federatie Nederlandse Vakverenigingen (FNV) | FNV | Netherlands | Europe |
Gewerkschaft Unia (UNIA) | UNIA | Switzerland | Europe |
Syndicat Interprofessionnel de Travailleuses et Travailleurs (SIT) | SIT | Switzerland | Europe |
The Voice of Domestic Workers (VODW) | VODW | UK | Europe |
Imece (IMECE) | IMECE | Turkey | Europe |
Asociación de Trabajadoras del Hogar (ATH) | ATH | Dominican Republic | Latin America |
Unión Nacional Fenamutra de Trabajadoras del Hogar (UNFETRAH) | UNFETRAH | Dominican Republic | Latin America |
Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadora/es Domesticas (SINTRADOMES-CASC) | SINTRADOMES-CASC | Dominican Republic | Latin America |
Unión Personal Auxiliar de Casas Particulares (UPACP) | UPACP | Argentina | Latin America |
Federação Nacional das Trabalhadoras Domésticas (FENATRAD) | FENATRAD | Brazil | Latin America |
Federación de Sindicatos de FESINTRACAP (FESINTRACAP) | FESINTRACAP | Chile | Latin America |
Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadoras del Servicio Doméstico (SINTRASEDOM) | SINTRASEDOM | Colombia | Latin America |
Unión de Trabajadoras Afrocolombianas del Servicio Doméstico (UTRASD) | UTRASD | Colombia | Latin America |
Asociación de Trabajadoras Domésticas (ASTRADOMES) | ASTRADOMES | Costa Rica | Latin America |
Sindicato de Mujeres Trabajadoras del Hogar Remuneradas Salvadoreñas (SIMUTHRES) | SIMUTHRES | El Salvador | Latin America |
Sindicato de Trabajadoras Domésticas Similares y a Cuenta Propia (SITRADOMSA) | SITRADOMSA | Guatemala | Latin America |
Red de Mujeres Empleadas del Hogar, Asociación Civil (RMEHAC) | RMEHAC | Mexico | Latin America |
Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores y Trabajadoras del Hogar (SINACTRAHO) | SINACTRAHO | Mexico | Latin America |
Sindicato de Trabajadoras Domésticas del Departamento de Granada “Claudia Chamorro” (SINTRADOMGRA) | SINTRADOMGRA | Nicaragua | Latin America |
Federación de Trabajadoras Domésticas y Oficios Varios “Julia Herrera Pomares” (FETRADOMOV) | FETRADOMOV | Nicaragua | Latin America |
Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadoras del Hogar (SINTRAHO) | SINTRAHO | Honduras | Latin America |
Sindicato Gremial de Trabajadoras y Trabajadores del Servicio Doméstico y Similares (SINGRETRADS) | SINGRETRADS | Panama | Latin America |
Sindicato de Trabajadoras Domésticas y Afines de Itapúa (SINTRADI) | SINTRADI | Paraguay | Latin America |
Sindicato de Trabajadoras del Servicio Domestico del Paraguay (SINTRADESPY) | SINTRADESPY | Paraguay | Latin America |
Centro de Capacitación para Trabajadoras del Hogar (CCTH) | CCTH | Peru | Latin America |
Federación de Trabajadores y Trabajadoras del Hogar Remunerados del Perú (FENTRAHOGARP) | FENTRAHOGARP | Peru | Latin America |
Instituto de Promoción y Formación de Trabajadoras del Hogar (IPROFOTH) | IPROFOTH | Peru | Latin America |
Sindicato de Trabajadoras y Trabajadores del Hogar de la Región Lima (SINTTRAHOL) | SINTTRAHOL | Peru | Latin America |
Domestic Workers Solidarity Network in Jordan (DWSNJ) | DWSNJ | Jordan | Mena |
Sandigan Kuwait Domestic Workers Association (SKDWA) | SKDWA | Kuwait | Mena |
Bayanihang Domestic Worker Qatar (BDWQ) | BDWQ | Qatar | Mena |
National Domestic Workers Alliance (NDWA) | NDWA | United States of America | North America |
United Domestic Workers of America (UDWA) | UDWA | United States of America | North America |
Step 1. Please read the IDWF Constitution and get to know more about the IDWF and our principles. Please read “4. Membership” and find out if your organization is eligible
As a result of a series of actions led by the IDWF team in Latin America and our affiliates SINTRADESPY...
We are proud of our leader Mary Ann Abunda, who received the Human Rights Defender Award from the U.S. Department...
We are Leading the Way in Championing the Voices of Migrant DWs Across Asia-Pacific The International Domestic Workers Federation (IDWF)...
Emotional tribute to our leader Ida Le Blanc and her mother, the great Clotil Walcott Our affiliate in Trinidad and...
It is with great pleasure that we announce our Africa Regional Coordinator, Vicky Kanyoka, has been appointed as the first...
The United Nations developed its first-ever system-wide policy paper on Care and Support, incorporating contributions from the International Domestic Workers...