The IDWF is joining hands with WIEGO and Homenet South Asia, HomeNet South-East Asia, HomeNet Thailand, HomeNet Eastern Europe & Central Asia and StreetNet International to issue a joint statement to address the impact of COVID-19 on informal workers around the world and demand recognition of IWs and a seat at the policy-making table for the recovery and beyond.
Read our Joint Statement here:
COVID-19 and the World’s Two Billion Informal Economy Workers
A WIEGO Network Global Solidarity Platform
“Why this joint platform?”
In addition to the above, IDWF MENA is joining weekly coordination calls organized by the Open Society Foundation and Humanity United on the situation of migrant workers in the Arab Gulf. These aim to share information on how COVID-19 impacts the lives of migrant workers in this region, highlight areas of concern and coordinate responses to the situation.
IDWF Solidarity Fund to Fight COVID-19
The IDWF and its affiliates are doing all we can to stand with our members and all domestic workers.
We have created a USD 2 million Solidarity Fund to support our actions aiming to:
- Protect jobs by providing protective gear to domestic workers so that they can go to work
- Connect with our members online
- Keep our affiliates offices open to members who need shelters
- Give out food and small cash to the members in critical situation
Support our Solidarity Fund!
Keep us safe and together we will be strong and keep our communities COVID-19-Free.