Contributors: KUDHEIHA
Ruth Khakame is a rising domestic worker leader in KUDHEIHA (Kenya Union of Domestic, Hotels, Educational Institutions, Hospitals, and Allied Workers. She has been a domestic worker for 7 years. She joined the union in 2013 in the Nairobi branch, in 2014 she was elected chairperson of the National Council of Domestic Workers in KUDHEIHA, and she is a board member of KUDHEIHA representing the sector.

Ruth Khakame is a rising domestic worker leader in KUDHEIHA (Kenya Union of Domestic, Hotels, Educational Institutions, Hospitals, and Allied Workers. She has been a domestic worker for 7 years. She joined the union in 2013 in the Nairobi branch, in 2014 she was elected chairperson of the National Council of Domestic Workers in KUDHEIHA, and she is a board member of KUDHEIHA representing the sector.
One of the qualities which got her elected from the branch level to the national level is her participation in many union activities and successful recruitment of many domestic workers into the union. Her branch is the leading branch in recruiting domestic workers in Kenya. She is knowledgeable about DWs issues, rights, and leadership skills through several training. She is confident, and has strong listening and public speaking skills.She is someone who can face her employers, as she said, “I didn’t have a contract. From the knowledge I got I was able to ask my employer to have a contract, and now I have it.” And she can speak fluent English.
She said, as a leader “I would like to revive the branches in different areas to be active, make sure that our data base of membership is updated with paid membership, liaise with KUDHEIHA to reach the unreached, and lastly, advocate for the ratification of C 189.”