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Hong Kong: Indonesian worker tells court she was "beaten, tied and had to sleep in the toilet"

Hong Kong: Indonesian worker tells court she was "beaten, tied and had to sleep in the toilet"

by IDWFED published Aug 27, 2013 12:00 AM
An Indonesian domestic worker told a court yesterday that she was forced to endure degrading, slave-like conditions while working for a couple who constantly beat her for no reason and failed to pay any wages or allow her to have holidays for two years. Kartika Puspitasari, 30, testified in the District Court yesterday against her former employers, Tai Chi-wai, 42, and Catherine Au Yuk-shan, 41. The pair denied seven counts of assault and one of false imprisonment.



Source: Maid tells court she was "beaten, tied and had to sleep in the toilet" | SCMP

More information:

In English:

  1. A couple of being charged of burning their domestic helper with an iron and threatening to kill her | TVB Pearl News (at time-slot 09:19)

In Chinese:

  1. 不准著內衣褲   遭熨斗辣臉   印傭展傷疤   證僱主虐待 | 新報
  2. 印傭遭虐打兩年冇出糧 | 都市日報
  3. 夫婦虐傭兩載   禁穿底褲從未出糧 | 文匯報
  4. 熨斗燙臉(界刂)刀傷腰   印傭頂證僱主8宗罪 | am730
  5. 印傭供述2年非人生活 | 大公報
  6. 印傭憶述遭恐嚇(界刂)刀奪命   兩年無出糧放假 強行剃髮 | 晴報
  7. 僱主涉變態虐待 不准穿胸圍內褲   逼印傭剪光頭 「唔剪殺咗你」| 蘋果日報
  8. 僱主涉變態虐待 不准穿胸圍內褲   逼印傭剪光頭 「唔剪殺咗你」| 蘋果日報
  9. 被虐打印傭作供稱受聘期間僱主未發過工資 | 亞視新聞
  10. 印傭指被夫婦虐打續審 稱用衣架及鞋打 | 無線新聞

Source: Julie Chu/SCMP

Story Type: News

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